General Medicine

General Medicine

Department of Internal Medicine

The Department of Medicine at Shree Multispeciality Hospital, is concerned with restoring and maintaining overall health and wellness with the treatment of everyday ailments. Medicine being a diverse field, medical care is provided in variety of locations. At Shree Multispeciality Hospital, in addition to the treatment provided in inpatient hospital settings.

Shree Multispeciality Hospital Hospital, Best care in all Indoor Services: Management of All Medical Diseases requiring Hospitalization ,Infective Diseases All Infectious Diseases, Cardiac Diseases All acutely ill cases managed in ICU Temporary and Permanent, Cardiac Pacing Echocardiography including Color Doppler ,Neurological Diseases.

Best Orthopedic Doctor Laxmi Nagar, Moshi

Symptoms & Diagnosis

Shree Multispeciality Hospital, Best care in all Metabolic and Hormonal Diseases, Best Services in all Respiratory Diseases, all Non Invasive Ventilation, Bronchoscopy Hematological All Gastro intestinal All : Upper and Lower Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Miscellaneous Diseases Not included in other categories Kidney diseases Haemodialysis, CA PD, Rena l biopsy.